November brings a lot of known and not-so-known holidays worth recognizing in your marketing efforts. We’re giving you the monthly (and weekly) break-down of celebrations, campaign ideas, and trend-worthy hashtags to steal.
NOTE: When using hashtags in Woobox, consider unique hashtags or pairing a generic hashtag with your brand name to ensure you’re pulling in submissions meant for your contest specifically. Learn more by checking out The Do’s and Do Not’s of Hashtags blog.
*Replace “BrandName” with your own businesses name when using any example hashtags below.
November Holidays & Promo Ideas
- National Adoption Awareness Month
Landing Page: Details on adoption, stats, ways to help, etc. - Aviation History Month
Quiz: Aviation History
Sweepstakes: Prize – award flying lessons

- Child Safety Protection Month
- International Drum Month
- Military Family Month
- National Entrepreneurship Month
- National Novel Writing Month
UGC: Essay on Novel Idea
Poll: Favorite Novel
#NaNoWriMo, #NaNoWriMoContest2017, #WritingANovelWithBrandName - Peanut Butter Lovers Month
Video Contest: Peanut Butter Recipe
Coupon: Peanut Butter product
November Daily Holidays
November 1st
- All Saints Day
November 2nd
- All Soul’s Day
- Deviled Egg Day
UGC Recipe Contest: Most Creative Deviled Egg Recipe - Men Make Dinner Day (First Thursday of November)
Photo Contest: Men Cooking Dinner
#MyManCanCook2017Contest, #MenMakeDinnerDay2017 and #BrandNameContest
November 3rd

Sandwich Day
November 4th
- Book Lovers Day (First Saturday of November)
- National Candy Day
Pinterest PinToWin: Favorite Candy Recipe Pins
Bracket: Different Candies, head-to-head competition

November 5th
- American Football Day
- National Doughnut Day

November 6th
- Basketball Day
Sweepstakes: Win Tickets to a Local Basketball Game - National Saxophone Day
- National Nachos Day
November 8th
- Cook Something Bold Day
UGC: Recipe contest of course!
Download: Provide a Recipe or Recipe e-book for users to download with “bold recipes.”
November 10th
- Forget-Me-Not Day
- United States Marine Corps Day
Photo Contest: Nominate a Marine - National Vanilla Cupcake Day
#CupcakesAndBrandName, #NationalVanillaCupcakeSweepstakes
November 11th
- Veteran’s Day
Coupon: Offer a free or discounted service or product for a Veteran
UGC: Nominate a Veteran; Veteran will win prize
November 12th
- Chicken Soup for the Soul Day
UGC: Heartwarming Stories
Coupon: Discount on Chicken Soup if you’re a restaurant
November 13th
- World Kindness Day
Video Contest: Have users submit a video of them showing kindness or making a difference in the world
November 14th
- Young Readers Day (Second Tuesday of November)
Form App: Have young readers “pledge” to read a book
Download App: provide a short story e-book that is downloadable - National Guacamole Day
- National Pickle ‘Appreciation’ Day
Form: Send pickles to users who submit their data via form
#FreePicklesFromBrandName, #NationalPickleAppreciationDay and #FreePickles
November 15th
- Clean Your Refrigerator Day
Photo Contest: Worst Fridge
Instant Win: Win a Brand New Refrigerator - America Recycles Day
Landing Page: Why recycling matters, how to recycle, display videos on recycling, etc. - National Philanthropy Day
November 16th
- International Tolerance Day
- National Fast Food Day
November 17th
- Homemade Bread Day
- Take A Hike Day
Download App: Provide maps or reviews and information on best local hiking paths
Sweepstakes: Award winners with hiking gear - World Peace Day
November 18th
- National Apple Cider Day
November 20th
- Beautiful Day
- Universal Children’s Day
November 23rd
- Eat a Cranberry Day
- National Espresso Day
Photo Contest: Selfie with espresso drink
#NationalEspressoDay, #SelfieAndCoffeeContest, #NationalEspressoDaySelfieContest
Sweepstakes: Win an Espresso Machine
Coupons: Discount on espresso drink - Thanksgiving (Last Thursday in November)
UGC: “What I’m thankful for” or any type of recipe contest
#ThankfulOnTurkeyDay2017, #TurkeyDay and #BrandNameContest, #Thanksgiving2017Sweepstakes, #YummyStuffingContest
Sweepstakes: Award a Thanksgiving-themed prize – a Turkey, an entire meal, Thanksgiving decor, a trip to take with “loved ones,” etc.
November 24th
- Black Friday (Friday after Thanksgiving)
Poll: “What I’d rather be doing than shopping on Black Friday” (Add poll options that are funny and relevant)
UGC: Collect videos and photos of Black Friday Shoppers
#BlackFridayBrandName, #BlackFridayAdventures and #Contest, #BlackFriday2017 and #BrandName, #BoycottingBlackFriday2017WithBrandName
November 25th
- National “Eat with a Friend” Day
Coupon: Buy One Get One Treat or Meal
Sweepstakes: Prize – meal for two. The user enters and submits the name of the person they’d bring with them to redeem prize if they won.
#EatingWithOurFriendsBrandName, #BrandName and #NationalEatWithAFriendDay, #FriendandFoodGoals and #BrandNameSweeps
November 26th
- National Cake Day
Deals: Pay $20 for a $35 cake
Pinterest PinToWin: Pin unique cake recipes
November 28th
- French Toast Day
#FrenchToastLife and #BrandName, #BreakfastWithBrandName, #FrenchToastRecipeContest
November 29th
- National Chocolates Day
Instant Win: Prize – Box of Chocolates
Personality Quiz: What kind of Chocolate Suits your Personality
Video Contest: Nominate someone who deserves to be spoiled rotten with chocolates

Log-in for free to set up your November contest! Ready to go live? Purchase a subscription to publish your campaign. Have questions? Check out our forum or email your questions to