Social media: the OG of UGC. Each day social media is flooded with original content, many times displaying products or ideas that could relate to brands. In a sense, this is free, organic brand awareness. With Woobox, you can take full advantage of this and award your users for their loyalty and mentions of your brand. Of course you could do a Photo Contest or a Video Contest, but if you want a mix of Photos, Videos, and Text – an ocean of opportunities – you’ll want to utilize our User Generated Content (UGC) App to optimize user content.

We could write blogs all day and night about the engagement and the branding that User Generated Content provides; there’s just nothing that is more fresh and current than the stream of content created by users. Social media users know what is relevant and how to show that to the world because they’re already doing it in every post whether they, or yourself, realize it or not. By asking them to use a specific hashtag or to submit it into your contest through an entry page, you’re getting a front row seat to accessing that content.
This app provides you a multitude of benefits for brand awareness and leads for sales. This is why UGC is important and BIG for your business whether you’re a small, growing business, or if you already have a large amount of customers and followers.
You can use the UGC app as a contest, picking winners by vote count or by random selection. Or you can use it as a gallery that is continually pulling in videos, text, and images tagged with your specific Hashtag (and/or entered through the entry page). Many businesses use the gallery to display content on an ongoing basis to have their brand visually mentioned as consistently as possible. Some even use it as a brand, product, or business establishments review gallery. The UGC app is completely versatile to your needs and ideas.
Social media and technology are not going away. In fact, it is always growing and changing and many businesses are taking advantage of this. Everywhere we look we are being advertised to. Someone drinking a coffee for example: they’re posting about it online, they’re tagging the coffee shop, they’re hashtagging every word possible that would be associated with coffee, the shop, and the area in which they are in. If you search hashtags for your business, product, or brand, how much organic awareness is actually out there? You can change this effortlessly with a UGC contest and incentivizing users into hashtagging you more often or tagging something very specific, which allows you to actually change what is currently being pushed out into social media on your brand. Each business has a huge impact on their Social Media presence even when it’s users generating the content for you. Use that knowledge along with the power of a Woobox app, like the UGC App!

Log-in for free to set-up a UGC contest. You’ll love the ease of use and the endless flow of benefits it provides you! When you’re ready to go live you can then upgrade to have users participate! Have questions? Check out our Forum or email your questions to