travel contest ideas
5 Social Contest Ideas for Summer Travel & Hospitality
Today, 41% of business travelers and 60% of leisure travel arrangements are made online. And when it comes to travel reservations for accommodations, tours, and… Read More »5 Social Contest Ideas for Summer Travel & Hospitality4 Mother’s Day Giveaway Ideas: Gifts That Moms REALLY Want
Since its inception over 100 years ago, by a proclamation from President Woodrow Wilson, Mother’s Day has been considered a big holiday. Over 63 percent of… Read More »4 Mother’s Day Giveaway Ideas: Gifts That Moms REALLY Want10 Practical Contest Ideas for Travel Lovers
On Black Friday, REI paid employees not to come to work. Instead, they were supposed to go hiking or backpacking or scale a mountain with their new food baby (thanks mashed potatoes!).
This campaign — titled and tagged #optoutside — started a revolution. Against the norm of consumerism and commercialism, REI closed their doors for the year’s most popular shopping day and encouraged not only their staff but everyone to explore the outdoors.
#Optoutside, now in its third year, is one of the most successful photo campaigns to dawn social media.Read More »10 Practical Contest Ideas for Travel Lovers