Small Business
4 Mental Health Month Contest Ideas for Small Businesses
The idea that your thoughts can affect you physically used to seem like some foo-foo, cotton candy fluff advice. But in the recent years, the… Read More »4 Mental Health Month Contest Ideas for Small Businesses5 Independence Day Marketing Ideas That Go Hand-in-Hand with Small Business Branding
Independence Day is an ideal holiday for small businesses to leverage from a marketing standpoint. The holiday promotes a sense of community and local pride… Read More »5 Independence Day Marketing Ideas That Go Hand-in-Hand with Small Business BrandingPractical Ways to Reduce Customer Acquisition Costs
Attracting new customers can cost 5x more than keeping existing customers, as estimated by differing industry studies.
That number varies depending on which study and industry you examine, and yet, no matter how you slice it, acquiring new customers is dramatically more expensive than keeping ones you already have.
Thus, it’s a lot less expensive to get people that already like you and like your products to do business with you again.Read More »Practical Ways to Reduce Customer Acquisition Costs