March may seem like a quiet month. However, there are some holidays and celebrations perhaps worth acknowledging in your annual marketing campaigns.
Using a few of Woobox’s most common campaign app types, we’ve curated a few ideas for March marketing.
Whether you’re reaching for a specific marketing campaign goal or seeking out new and existing customers, these ideas can springboard you into a successful month!
National Craft Month
$44 billion: That’s the amount spent in 2016 in the creative industry.
Are you a brand based on lifestyles outside crafting? That’s okay!
National Craft Day can still help your business and marketing.
We have some inspiring ideas for brands who are in the business of crafting, and brands who aren’t.
User Generated Content (UGC)
“31 Day Photo/Video Challenge”.
Each day during March, have users create something: you can choose a theme or project type for each day. Participants can upload videos or photos each day of the month and submit their entry by hashtag.
Remember to mention that each day’s entry is a new chance to win; If you pick a winner at random, each day a user enters gives them one more chance to win!
Encourage users to vote on favorite crafting products as provided by the promotion. Provide a link to each product’s store page and include any best example of craft projects created by said product. When picking a winner, you can offer the product they voted for as the prize.
Build a Personality Quiz like, “Which DIY Product Should You Make Next?”
Quizzes can work like Sweepstakes and Giveaways, or more commonly, you can use a quiz for a fun pastime for current and future fans!
Give people the chance to win crafting supplies or even a custom crafting basket full of smaller crafting supplies. Don’t know much about what a prize would be worth winning for a crafter? Check out this list of The Best Gifts for Crafters.
National Women’s History Month
User Generated Content (UGC)
“Tell Us Your Story” or “Tell Us About A Woman In Your Life.” Whether it’s a contest or a way to sing the praises of crucial women in our lives, the UGC campaign type is an excellent way to have users tell a story about themselves or someone they admire.
Types of stories: “Why I’m proud to be a Woman” “Who Inspires Me The Most” “The Strongest Woman I Know is ____ because…” “How I Overcame my Hurdles” “#metoo”
You could ask something like, “What movement do you think has recently most helped progress societal equality?” Link to information on different causes and movements if any specific examples are mentioned in the poll. This is an excellent way to get feedback, and to spread knowledge of past and present causes that some people may not be knowledgable about. You can even add a form field to ask participants why they chose that option.
Trivia Quizzes are great ways to celebrate Women’s History Month. You could even create a quiz for each week, resulting in a different winner for each weekly exam.
Some quiz ideas:
“How Well do you know Women’s History?”
“What Did These Icons/Celebrities Accomplish for Women?”
“Do you know these Facts about Women?”
“In Celebration of International Women’s Day, we’re giving away _____, Enter to Win!”
Oscars Night – March 4th
Here are the nominees for the 90th Academy Awards.
You can even access a ballot to print at home!
Here’s an idea: “How do you watch the Oscars?” Encourage people to snap creative or inspired photos of themselves in front of the TV while they watch the Oscars.
Managing the contest’s winners, you could pick one at random or ask users to vote for the photo that looks the most fun or most creative.
A bit obvious but also a reasonably popular campaign type for guessing games. Ideal polls encourage users to vote for who they think will win the major nominations like Best Picture, Best Actress, etc.
Create a Trivia Quiz on past Oscar ceremonies and winners.
Throw an Academy Awards-worthy party for a lucky winner and a select group of their friends on the night of the Oscars.
National Pi Day – March 14th (3.14)
Nobody needs to be a genius to know that Pi starts with 3.14, so each year on March 14th we celebrate Pi Day!
Anyone interested can learn more about Pi Day at its own website, with everything you need to know.
Pi Day Dress Up contest (Google “Pi Day Dress up”, people love dressing up for this day!).
Offer an enticing prize, promote it before Pi Day and have users enter on and after Pi Day (give users a few days or a week to upload their photo.
Remember to give participants enough notice before this contest happens, that way they can properly prepare!
“How Many Pi’s Can You Find?” Create an image and hide some “pi’s” (Or Pies!) in the image and have users guess for fun (or even for a prize!)
Use the Trivia Quiz to make a fun and “simple” math quiz or use the personality quiz for “what kind of Pi(e) are you?”
Give away 314 prizes such as dessert pies, gift cards, products, pizza (also a kind of pie!)
Saint Patrick’s Day – March 17th
Maybe it’s a bit cliche to run a March holiday campaign around St. Patrick’s Day, yet most businesses will run some kind of promotion, whether it’s relative to their business or not.
Why? Because it’s big, it’s fun, and people love coming together to celebrate it.
Here are some promotional ideas to help you join the celebration!
Ask users to upload a video saying why they love your brand or product while doing their best leprechaun impression. Most votes win! Having the winner determined by votes means entrants are more likely to share their content. And if you’re having entrants say why they love you, that means you’re getting good organic reviews being spread across the ‘net!
“What is your favorite St. Patrick’s Day Festivity?” You could even find out local events as the options and then if you are awarding a prize you can give them tickets to all the events (or the one of their choosing).
Using the Trivia variant of a Quiz campaign type, you can build a Saint Patrick’s Day riddle-based Quiz. Here are some riddles to get you started.
Using your best St. Patrick’s Day puns in your copy, host a giveaway with whatever prize you’d like. Cash is always a good prize for St. Patrick’s day.
National Goof Off Day – March 22nd
Collect videos of people goofing off with your product (if that approach seems relevant to the holiday) or in some creative way that’s related to your product or products. It’s such a fun concept you’re sure to get loads of entries!
Goof Off Polls are a great opportunity to engage with fans.
Create a poll such as “Best Goofing Off Type Movie or Show” and have them choose from different movies. For instance, a slapstick comedy starring women like Melissa McCarthy, Lucille Ball, or Carol Burnett. You can use YouTube Clips of the movies or shows for users to vote upon as the Poll option.
A quiz to find out how goofy a person you are? Fun! Results could range between “Why So Serious?” to “You Are Crowned King Goofy!”.
Award prizes that seem silly and that users can have some fun with! Here’s a good place to purchase some fun prizes to award winners.
National Puppy Day March 23rd
Puppies = CUTE.

What else needs explaining?
Images and/or videos of participant’s puppies are always good times. Remember to turn voting on during UGC campaign creation.
Adoring and giggling at puppies online is easily one of the most popular ways to spend time, and viewers are very likely to vote for their favorite!
Gather up some local animal shelters that you’d like to support and create a Poll to have the community vote on who you should donate to, in celebration of National Puppy Day.
Personality quizzes are the way to go on National Puppy Day. “What Type of Puppy Are You” or “Which Fictional Puppy Are you?” “Who’s Celebrity Puppy Do You Most Resemble” “If you were a Puppy, What Would be Your Best Quality?”
Give away a gift card to a local pet store, a free grooming, or free toys for an entrants puppy!
Getting Started
Ready to start building a Woobox campaign? You can sign up for free. All free accounts can create any promotion — you only need a paid account to publish and operate a live campaign.
If you have any questions, Woobox support is here for you by email or phone (1-360-450-5200) Monday – Friday from 9 am PST to 5 pm PST.