Summer is in full swing! Don’t let the heat get you in a bit of a slump when coming up with fresh cool campaign ideas. Need inspiration? At Woobox, we’re full of ideas and examples to get you started.
Where are most people spending their free time in summer? At the beach or pool, of course!
Ask users to submit a video via hashtag (or form if you’d prefer) sharing their beach or pool moments. Give prizes away that are beach or pool related. Maybe even something with your brand name on it, like a beach ball with your logo.
No matter what season your product or brand does well in, summer is still a perfect time to engage users with a hashtag and other User Generated Contests.
Are you a winter clothing brand? Have users take pictures of winter outfits they can’t wait to wear again. Then hashtag it with something like #SummersWithWinterBrand. People sharing hashtag content also share their loyalty to your service or product.
Lack products that relate to summer or want to excite customers both current and future? No sweat!
A Google search for upcoming local activities or the most popular local destinations during summer will get you started. Some example searches could include concerts, the zoo, carnivals, camps, drive-through theaters, festivals, walking tours, etc.
Whether you’re a fashion brand or not, you can take advantage of summer wear. Use a photo contest and collect user entries that show off their favorite summer gear or outfit.
Have people vote for most creative ensembles. You can even theme it around BBQ’s, Fourth of July, beachwear, or best summer hats, for example.

Personality quizzes are extremely popular. You can create one for any season or occasion.
For summer, your quizzes might ask:
- “What summer destination are you?”
- “What summer dessert are you?”
- “What is your beach personality?”
- “What are you more likely to be caught doing this summer?”
Woobox also supports trivia quizzes across mobile, web and social. These give results based on how many correct answers a user submits.
Here are a few example quiz ideas:
- “Do You Know the History of BBQ?”
- “What are the Most Popular Summer Activities?”
- “What Years were These Summer Movies Released?”
Build a photo booth at your physical location and have people come to take pictures. (Check out Pinterest, there are so many easy and cheap ways to create a photo booth!)
Use props like pool floaties, fun sunglasses, and if possible your own brand products.
Don’t have products to use in a photo booth? Make props that have your brand name. You can also have users upload photos via a great hashtag that displays your brand name.
Baby photos are adorable, always fun, and typically have high entrant rates.
Turn on voting and see your shares and visits increase!
Yes, everyone enjoys the sun, but when it comes down to it most do not enjoy the blistering heat and will want a break!
Offer people a chance to escape the heat for a few hours and enjoy a Summer Blockbuster movie. Tickets aren’t so expensive that you break your wallet providing a prize. You could even offer a set once a week throughout the summer.
Use any campaign you’d like to award this prize. You could even just post directly to your page telling fans to like or comment on the post to win tickets and then use our free Pick-A-Winner tool in the Woobox Posts section of your dashboard.
Summer is about relaxing and enjoying quiet moments, like reading a great summer book.
Find out what’s on your user’s summer reading lists. Then get reviews and snapshots of the same users reading in their favorite spot. Or simply only give the gift of summer reading by giving away a set of books.
The 4th of July may have passed already for 2017, but that doesn’t mean you can’t continue the celebration throughout the rest of July.
In general, holidays are the perfect time to offer prizes or have some fun, like creating Poll or Quiz campaigns.
You can use these ideas to continue engagement with people about the recent holiday or even award them prizes that are themed around Independence Day. This works especially well if you have any leftover 4th of July items you want to give away like fireworks, items printed with the American flag, decorations, and so forth.
This idea has two excellent uses. The first is to award users a picnic basket filled with yummy foods.
The second way to use summer picnics to your advantage is to host a UGC contest. Collect video, text, or photos about best memories of a recent picnic. You could also even theme it around pictures of picnic basket contents. Two ideas in one!
The ultimate contest idea: RECIPES!
Collecting text-only recipes? Or maybe photos of summer recipe favorites? You can’t go wrong with this themed contest.
For summer, you can be more specific about the recipe types you’re looking to see entered.
Some examples:
- “Tastiest BBQ Recipe”
- “Favorite Summer Mixed Drink”
- “The Best Ever Potato Salad Recipe”
- “Most Creative S’more Remixed Recipe”
A “Caption This Photo” contest is a classic. It gives people the chance to really have some fun. Whether they’re the ones submitting captions or voting on and reading the captions.
Choose a funny summer photo and use a photo contest to capture the captions and votes.
(When using the photo contest, select the option to allow for text entries. Then when customizing your form, remove the option to upload a photo).
You can have users vote on their favorite product, especially if it fits well with a summer theme. Or, for the fun of it, build a poll asking for user opinions on favorite summer drinks, adventures, or summer wishes. Get creative!
Don’t miss out on the fun marketing opportunities available to you this summer. Log-in for free now. When you’re ready to go live purchase a subscription, and get your summer campaign heated up.
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