Woobox Remixed: Photo Contest Categories

We make our tools incredibly customizable to give everyone the ability to create exactly what they desire. Woobox is much more than just the usual “photo contest” “quiz” or “poll”. You could use any of our apps to accomplish your goals just by using the settings to your benefit. In this Woobox Remixed article, I will show you how to make photo categories and have them live on a landing page.

If you want to separate user submissions into different categories, you can do so by creating a photo (or video, or UGC) app for each category. You’ll also want to create a landing page app. The Landing Page app will be the main page and will be the app that you share with your users when advertising or mentioning your contest.

Once you’ve created the photo contests, you will have URL’s specifically for those photo contests. You can see the URL in a few places, one of which is in your list of promotions.

When you are managing your Landing Page, you can upload images in the customize section by clicking “add component”. When you add the image component, edit it to add a photo. You’ll also see, below the upload photo option, is a “link to URL” field. You’ll add in the URL to the photo contest that corresponds to your uploaded image.

There are many more things you can do with these apps, of course, to make it more custom to your exact promotion. This is the basic set up that will get you started on having a landing page with different categories for entries/voting. Ready to get started? Log-in for free to set-up these apps today. When you’re ready to go live you can then upgrade to have users participate! Have questions? Check out our Forum or email your questions to support@woobox.com.