3 Ways to Protect Your Photo Contest
Fraud, Inappropriate Content and Legal Issues can all derail a successful Photo Contest. Learn about Woobox features that help protect your promotion.
More than Facebook: Using Woobox Across All Your Social Media Channels
Think you can only run Woobox promotions on Facebook? You’re in for a big surprise…
Winner Picker, How do they do that?
You love being able to randomly select your winners, but have you ever wondered how we do it? No? Well, we’re going to tell you anyway and introduce you to our V.P. of Winner Picking.
New Woobox Integrations with AWeber and Constant Contact
Everyone knows the secret to a healthy relationship is communication. To help you create and maintain better relationships with your customers, Woobox is happy to announce new integrations with AWeber and Constant Contact.
Video Games as Innovation: A Local Tribute
Happening this month during March Downtown First Friday in our local Innovation Partnership Zone, Washington State University Vancouver and The Creative Media & Digital Culture… Read More »Video Games as Innovation: A Local Tribute
Bracket User Guide
Your fans are thinking of brackets this time of year. What better way to capitalize on the hype than by running your very own bracket… Read More »Bracket User Guide
4 Tools Everyone Running Promotions Should Be Using
Running promotions is time consuming. But it doesn’t have to be! Automation and simplifying are your keys to promotional success. With so many tools available,… Read More »4 Tools Everyone Running Promotions Should Be Using
Valentine’s Day Promotions Ideas You Can Steal
Holidays are a great excuse to run a contest or promotion, especially Valentine’s Day. You can easily help your customers looking to show they care!… Read More »Valentine’s Day Promotions Ideas You Can Steal
9 Ways To Run an Engaging Photo Contest
Photo contests are a great way to interact with your fan base, and Woobox makes it easy to collect photos and other useful data. However,… Read More »9 Ways To Run an Engaging Photo Contest
How To Get The Most Out of a Free Woobox Account
So you’ve signed up for a free Woobox account. What’s next? Woobox has one of the most expansive free accounts available for promotions, and chances… Read More »How To Get The Most Out of a Free Woobox Account
4 Ways To Develop A Year-Long Promotions Calendar
How many times have you put together a new offering only to put off marketing it until the last moment? If you’re like most companies,… Read More »4 Ways To Develop A Year-Long Promotions Calendar
6 Smart Ways To Run Facebook Contests Your Fans Will Love
You want your fans to engage with your brand, but you aren’t really sure how. You know you want to give something away, but how do… Read More »6 Smart Ways To Run Facebook Contests Your Fans Will Love
How to Create a Stunning Promotion When You’re Not a Designer
Campaigns with compelling images are more successful than those without them. Think about it. Do you trust a site that looks like it was made… Read More »How to Create a Stunning Promotion When You’re Not a Designer
Re-Gifted: The Best of Woobox Holiday Posts
We believe the best gifts are the ones that keep on giving but that doesn’t mean you’ll be getting a subscription to the Jelly Of… Read More »Re-Gifted: The Best of Woobox Holiday Posts
INFOGRAPHIC: 2014 Holiday Shopping Trends
This infographic highlights some of the interesting data from the National Retail Federation’s annual Holiday Consumer Spending Survey for 2014.
Introducing: Poll Posts from Woobox
You know how Facebook used to allow you to post polls directly to your Business Page’s Timeline? Ever wonder what happened to that feature? We did; so we created our own tool for it, which we’re calling Poll Posts. This new tool allows you to run a poll via an image posted on your Timeline, where votes will be counted based on comments posted with specified hashtags. It’s simple to set up, provides an easy way for users to interact with your Page(s) in a fun and informative way.
How much does the Like-Gate ban really affect your campaigns? Here are the numbers.
The era of required Like Gates has now ended. How effective is your new option? We’ve sifted through that data so you know what to expect now that policy prohibits requiring Likes for promotions.
Q&A You Should Know About Fan-Gating Changes
There is a lot of apprehension and questions as Facebook is about to make its biggest change for marketers in a long time. We’re here to answer your questions and show you a new feature to help ease the transition.
8 New Facebook Timeline Hints to Help Manage Your Pages
As a Facebook Preferred Marketing Developer, Woobox acknowledges your requests for transparency when managing your business Pages on Facebook. This list of tips will not only help you to navigate your business Page, but also to increase control over your social brand.
How To: Run the Same Promotion On Multiple Pages (Updated 7/20/17)
Sometimes you may find yourself in a situation where you’d like to run a single promotion across multiple pages, with all the entries collected in the same data set. Whether your reason for this is to prevent participants from entering multiple times (as they might do if you were to run an individual contest on each page); or perhaps you have a photo contest for which you’d like to display all submissions (no matter where they come from) within the same gallery. Lucky for you, this can be done in just a few simple steps with Woobox’s promotion apps!
Woobox Undercover: Tracking Coupon Redemptions
We’ve been hearing from our customers that Woobox has so many great features that sometimes many useful ones get overshadowed. In this series we bring… Read More »Woobox Undercover: Tracking Coupon Redemptions
6 Ways to Use Coupons to Drive Sales & Awareness for Your Brand
It’s no surprise that coupons continue to be one of our most popular promotional tools – after all, we launched Woobox with coupons as our first app. Since then we’ve grown to include a much broader suite of promotional tools, but coupons remain popular. There are a wide variety of uses for coupons, from free offers to loyalty rewards, to feel-good perks. Check out these 6 effective coupon strategies that have proven successful time and time again:
Facebook Policy Change Prohibits Like-Gating
Facebook has changed their policy on incentivizing people to like your page. In the past, you were allowed to require that people must Like your page in order to receive some incentive such as entering a promotion, obtaining a coupon, or viewing content. Beginning November 5th, 2014 Facebook policy now prohibits incentivizing for people Liking you page.
How To: Create a Quiz
Are you looking for a fun promotion to run for your customers? Well, look no further, because the new Quiz app from Woobox is the perfect promotion for fun-seekers! With this application, you can set up a personality-style quiz to allow your customers to interact with your Facebook Page while also entering themselves into a contest. In this article, we will go over the process involved in creating a Quiz promotion from start to finish.