This may come as a surprise but oddly enough, Facebook Tabs do not display on Mobile devices. Here at Woobox we’ve made it easy enough to create a seamless experience for desktop and mobile users by providing a Shareable Offer URL for all tabs installed. By using the Shareable Offer URL you will avoid the issue of sending Mobile users on a scavenger hunt attempting to find the tab you told them exists but actually doesn’t exist on mobile.
Where To Find Your Promotion Link
You’ll find your Shareable Offer URL in multiple places, like on the top right hand corner of the Overview section of each promotion. This is the link you will share when it comes to sending blast emails, posting on social media, and/or advertising, and it is totally mobile optimized. You’ll also avoid sending entrants to an error page, which is what happens when you share the Facebook Tab URL instead of the Mobile (and desktop!) friendly URL we provide you. Here are a few fast and easy ways to direct users to your Shareable Offer URL.
Facebook has 745 million daily active users on mobile. Sharing your Woobox Link will avoid mass confusion or potential loss of entrants because they gave up trying to find your promotion.
Posting To Your Business Page
When a promotion dates run on the longer side (more than a few days) and you post often on your timeline, your initial post informing your fans of your contest may get lost in the feed. In addition, Facebook Posts only reach about 16% of your fans organically, without boosting. Share your offer URL in a post to your page, adding in any additional details that will grab a users attention.

You can customize your Share image and text by clicking ‘sharing’ on the left sidebar while managing your promotion within Woobox.
Pin Your Timeline Post
Plan on posting more updates throughout the duration of your contest? Keep your promotional update pinned to the top of your page by completing the post and then choosing “pin to top of page” from the menu on your post.
Grab Your Facebook Visitors Attention
As soon as a user arrives on your business page you may want them to instantly be drawn to information on your promotion. Consider using your cover photo to bring attention to your promotion and adding the link to the caption of the cover photo. This is great because if they click on the photo, they’ll see the URL and can access the promotion from the hyperlink. Also, when you upload a new cover photo it posts to your timeline that you’ve made that update. It will then display the image with your caption, which is another way for a user to click on your mobile and desktop friendly link.
Create A Call To Action Button
Do you want a button that’s easily accessible without a user needing to expand the image to see the caption? Create a Call to Action button which is visible on Desktop AND on mobile!
Below, I chose “Use This App” as my Call To Action button. There are limited options, but any will work. To create it, click Create Call to Action (or change out the one you already have) and add your Shareable Offer URL as a Website. Do not toggle the option to App, technically you’re rerouting users to a micro site, so setting it up as a website will make it work exactly as you need it to.
Now that you know exactly how you can take advantage of your mobile link, get started for free and begin setting up your next successful promotion. Have Questions? Leave them in the comments or drop us a line at