Do’s and Do Not’s: Fangating

Growing your fan base on Facebook may be a high priority for your business and the Fangate feature will accomplish that in the best way possible, while avoiding policy violations. Keep these examples in mind when setting up your Fangate.

Woobox Pro-tips (The not-so-obvious stuff)

There are a lot of tabs, buttons, and controls in your Woobox dashboard and sometimes it can be hard to find the setting you’re looking for. This article is meant to help familiarize you with some of the harder-to-find controls and make you look like the pro you are!

Woobox Remixed: Rewarding Users with a Coupon

You can encourage users to enter into any promotion (other than enticing them with an awesome prize) by giving them a voucher for completing a task. Instant gratification, if you will. This is a smart way to get people to enter into an app without offering an overall prize, but rather, providing a discount after they enter.